Do You Know These Breeds Of Dogs With Wrinkles?

Although for some they are unattractive, they are probably very endearing to their owners
Do you know these dog breeds with wrinkles?

When we think of dogs with wrinkles, the Shar Pei immediately comes to mind, but this is not the only breed in the world that has such fun and endearing wrinkles at the same time. Today we are going to present you some of them that may surprise you.

The most endearing wrinkled dog breeds

The truth is that dogs with wrinkles are liked by many, but not so much by others. They are one of those dogs that you either like, or you don’t like. We love them! And you? We cannot deny that those wrinkles make them cute animals that make you want to cuddle.

It is also true that a wrinkled dog requires more grooming than a dog with normal skin and coat, but the sacrifice is well worth it. These are the most endearing wrinkled dogs:

Shar pei

He is the king of wrinkled dogs, but for that reason we could not leave him off the list, and we believed that there was no better way to start this than with him. You already know that this dog – in the image that heads this article – comes from China, that the origin of his wrinkles has no explanation for now, and that he is one of the most tender and beautiful dogs that exist.

Although as he grows the wrinkles seem to be lost, his face remains as beautiful as when he was a baby. And despite that, no other dog will have more wrinkles than this one.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The fact that we have always thought of the Shar Pei when talking about dogs with wrinkles, is because all of him is a wrinkle, but the Dogue de Bordeaux also has a lot of wrinkles especially on its face and around its neck, so it can be say it’s one of the wrinkled dogs.

Dogue de Bordeaux

When he is a puppy these are even more visible, and they remain even when he is an adult. Despite his size and rough appearance, wrinkles soften his look and appearance; They perfectly reflect his character, which stands out for being friendly, calm and caring.


Bloodhound wrinkles have on many occasions gone unnoticed, especially since their ears are very prominent and stand out above everything else. However, his neck, face, ears and his entire body are covered by a drooping and wrinkled skin that gives him a noble appearance,  which is actually in keeping with how this dog is.


For this reason, and due to its calm and friendly nature, it has been used as a rescue dog and even as a therapy dog.


Do you know any more adorable dogs than this? Although what stands out the most when you see him is his small size, his flat nose and his bulging eyes, his wrinkled skin is what gives him an even more special charm.

Pug or pug

It is an ideal animal as a pet, as it is affectionate and playful, ideal to be with children, although if what you want is for it to accompany you to exercise, we do not believe that it will keep up with you.

French bulldog

At this point on the list, we want to ask the same question as with the pug. This adorable breed catches the eye of anyone who crosses it. Although perhaps our eyes go to his plump body with smooth skin and pointed ears, the truth is that his face is full of adorable wrinkles that make him look very special.

French bulldog

It is an ideal breed to have as a pet, as it is very cheerful and fun. As puppies they are precious  and, although being snub nosed they can present problems with their breathing, they do not have to present more serious problems.

Have you never had one of these wrinkled dogs? If you are thinking of adopting a new pet, keep in mind that there is something that characterizes everyone: their calm but cheerful character.

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