Find Out Why Dogs Can Attack

Health problems or lack of socialization are some of the reasons why dogs can attack
Know why dogs can attack

Animals can try to defend themselves for various reasons, so in this article we will tell you what are some of the main reasons why dogs can attack.

Reasons why dogs can attack

Although it is believed – and even the legislation supports this theory – that there are dangerous dogs that must go out with muzzles or not adopt them if we live with children, the truth is that, in addition to the genetics of the breed, aggressiveness depends on various factors, such as teaching or trauma suffered by the animal.

Whether it’s an unfamiliar person, their own owner, or other animals, there are several reasons why dogs can attack. It does not necessarily have to do with being large as it happens with the Pitbull, the Bulldog or the Rottweiler, and it is that small breeds can also try to bite, although the consequences will be less. These are the main causes of attacks:

1. Health problems

When an animal is in pain or is ill, it is likely to become aggressive. It is not on purpose, but it is a way to protect yourself. Also, when you are not in good health you may only be ‘concerned’ about the symptoms and cannot determine that a person approaching you wants to help you.

2. Lack of socialization

Socializing a dog is very important for its emotional development. Therefore, those pets that do not have contact with other animals may be less obedient or more prone to attack or bite.

3. Territory

Those dogs that are dominant and very territorial are also usually somewhat aggressive when they identify an intruder or someone who intends to pass through their ‘domain’.

Territorial dog

4. Food

This is one of the main reasons why dogs can attack. Food for them is really important and they have inherited that reaction from their cousins, the wolves. If they are eating, they may growl, bark or want to bite those who approach them, since they consider that they want to ‘steal’ their food.

5. Maternal instinct

Some females can become aggressive when they are pregnant or have just given birth to their cubs. This is due to the maternal instinct, which leads them to protect their children and which appears in the vast majority of animals, mainly mammals.

6. Traumas

Stray dogs, for example, try to attack those who approach them and this is not because they are mean or angry, but because it is their way of protecting themselves from danger. Imagine that for a long time they have had to fend for themselves and fight for food or shelter.

7. Phobias

Perhaps your dog becomes more aggressive when it rains and there is thunder, when he hears fireworks, has to travel by car, enters the veterinary clinic or in any situation that is stressful for him.

How to act if a dog attacks you

Prevent and educate so that a dog does not attack

Beyond understanding the reasons why dogs can attack, it is important to prevent these situations, and even avoid some habits that may incite the animal to try to protect itself. Some recommendations:

1. Stay away when he’s eating.

2. Don’t scare him when he has toys around him.

3. Do not make sudden movements when you are with your puppies.

4. Don’t try to touch it when it shows teeth.

5. Stay still when the animal is scared.

6. If the dog is someone else’s, ask permission to touch or approach it.

7. Be delicate when you approach an unfamiliar dog, especially if it is from the street.

8. Do not run when the animal is shown in attack position.

Pay close attention to the signals that dogs give before attacking and, if it is your pet, do your best to socialize it and teach it to respect you. Remember that you are the dominant one in the pack and he must follow what you tell him.

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