How To Remove Fear Of Water In Dogs?

How to remove the fear of water in dogs?

Although dogs are known to like water, this is not the case with everyone, as there are many who fear it. Is your dog one of them? If so, are you wondering if it is possible to remove the fear of water in dogs? The answer is yes, and we tell you how. Stay with us and take good note of these tips.

Can dogs fear of water be removed?

To prevent our dog from being afraid of water, we must follow a series of steps:

Not all dogs swim

That that dogs know how to swim from birth or instinctively is not entirely true,  and there are dogs, or rather, breeds of dogs, that are more ‘clumsy’ in the water. For example, the pug, the French bulldog, the greyhound … Although it is true that there are other very skilled such as the Labrador or the Newfoundland, not counting other so-called water dogs, of course.

Face of a newfoundland dog

Help her see the water as her friend

It is normal that in the face of the unknown your dog may be afraid of the water, so the best thing to have a first contact is that you enter the water with him. You will feel more secure and protected, and it will be easier for you to lose your fear; Maybe the next time I see the water it will launch itself.

This process will be much more effective if you do it when the animal is a puppy, since it is the ideal age for training and learning. Taking him in your arms, and perhaps wetting him a little while you gradually enter the water with him and then slowly release him, will be the best way to teach him that water is not an enemy.

Put on a vest

Although dogs learn quickly, it is not good to force or leave the animal unprotected. If you decide to go in the water with him, do it calmly so that he does not get nervous. If he sees you nervous, you will transmit it to him and the rejection of the water will be a fact.

To make him calmer – and you too –  put on a flotation vest. Seeing that it floats being alone, it will feel safe and comfortable, and you can also be calm knowing that nothing is going to happen to it.

Positive reinforcement

You’ll see how once you put the vest on and put it in the water, it will instinctively move its legs. Praise and pamper him by telling him how well he has done; Take him out of the water and give him a treat like a treat or whatever else he likes.

Keep trying several times and reward your animal whenever I try to swim. Once it is not so difficult for him to enter the water, do not put the vest on him, but hold it by the belly. After. release it every now and then to see how it reacts, and when you see that it has an interest in learning, reward it again. Thus, the animal will associate the water with something positive.

Dog with a ball in the pool

Use toys

Maybe your dog is getting used to it, but he is still afraid to go into the water alone. Well, to solve it, use toys that float and that he likes, throw them and let him go and look for them. It is possible that the first attempt will be difficult, but surely it will not take long to go after them; If he just barks looking at the toy, but doesn’t make an attempt to go for it, he is sure to need more confidence sessions with you. Be patient and you will achieve it.

Don’t forget that a fear can turn into a phobia. Therefore, do not force the animal, try to teach it always using positive reinforcement and with patience, affection, perseverance and love.

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Main image source: Matt Deavenport

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