How To Cool The Aquarium Water Of An Axolotl?

The axolotl is one of the most fascinating amphibians to keep as a pet, but unfortunately keeping the required water temperature cool can be challenging.
How to cool the aquarium water of an axolotl?

The axolotl is one of the most fascinating amphibian species that we can find in nature, as it remains in a permanent aquatic larval state, unlike the rest of newts and salamanders. This animal can be a curious pet, but the axolotl aquarium must remain cold all year round, something that not everyone can achieve.

Here are a series of tips that every axolotl guardian should keep in mind. In order to withstand the warmer seasons and preserve this amphibian, certain energy and logistical sacrifices will be necessary. If you want to keep your animal’s aquarium cool in warmer environments, read on.

Why is temperature important for the axolotl?

The axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum ) is a caudate amphibian endemic to the lake system of the basin of Mexico. This animal has been bred for decades in captivity and, therefore, many passionate about terrariofilia have had the opportunity to acquire a specimen at some point in their lives.

Most of the informative portals indicate that the water in the aquarium of this animal must remain constant at 20 degrees or less, although in Xochimilco and Chalco, places where it lives, ambient temperatures of 30 degrees can be observed in summer – and about 23 degrees in Water-.

Of course, this does not imply that the temperature of the aquarium should be neglected. We are only trying to report that, indeed, there are testimonies of people who have kept their axolotls at about 22-23 degrees for certain periods of time without serious complications.

Still, the tutor needs to be on the lookout for the following clear signs of stress from too high a water temperature:

  • The animal comes to the surface too much to catch air.
  • The gills retract.

The axolotl gets oxygen from the water through its outer gill tree, skin, and lungs. Dissolved oxygen levels in water decrease with temperature, so in very hot water, the animal is drowning – literally. For this reason, it is essential to take special care with the parameter that concerns us here.

An axolotl in an aquarium.

How to keep the axolotl aquarium cold

Once we have shown you the importance of water temperature in the care of this friendly animal, it is time for us to present you with a series of tips to keep your tank cold. Let’s go there.

The location of the aquarium

The location of the aquarium is a very important factor that must be taken into account. To avoid heat build-up as much as possible, the following tips should be considered:

  • Place the tank close to the ground. The hot air rises, so you will always save a couple of tenths if you place the aquarium at ground level.
  • Avoid exposure to light. Light is energy, which is why if it comes into contact with water, it heats it up. It is essential that, in hot seasons, the aquarium is away from windows. Also, don’t turn on the tank light in the hottest hours of the day.
  • Place the tank in the coldest room in the house. If you have a basement or one of your rooms opens onto a shady interior patio, you know what to do.
  • Open the window at night.

Specialized fans

There are multiple models of fans for the axolotl aquarium at reduced prices, which can be found in pet stores at relatively reasonable prices. You can place as many as necessary, as they will move the water superficially and the animal, being at the bottom of the tank, will not even notice.

It should be noted that this cooling method promotes the evaporation of water. Take the opportunity to replace the evaporated fraction daily with water from the fridge or frozen, as long as it has been previously dechlorinated.

Cold bottles and ice cubes

Of course, this is the most famous method and, unfortunately, the least effective. The placement of cold bottles in the aquarium should only be taken into account in heat waves or times of urgency, as their effect is transitory. Still, putting an ice-cold bottle in the animal’s tank will lower the temperature by a few degrees for a bit.

An aquarium cooler

Without a doubt, the best option. Aquarium coolers work perfectly when it comes to maintaining the desired temperature, but they have a very important drawback: the price. Most of them move in a range of 150-250 euros, or what is the same, almost 300 dollars. It touches to empty the wallet.

A large axolotl in an aquarium.

A great effort for a great animal

As we have seen in these lines, maintaining the temperature of an axolotl’s aquarium when it is 30 degrees outside is a great sacrifice. You will need control, patience and, above all, a large electrical outlet in which to connect fans and coolers.

Still, the effort is worth it. The axolotl is one of the most fascinating animals that can be found in the world of exotic pets and, as such, it deserves all the care and attention it requires from the guardian.

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