The Diseases Of The Elderly Dog ​​and Their Treatment

The third age affects both people and animals. A dog over 8 years old is already considered old. In large breeds, it can even be earlier. From that moment on, the animal will begin to suffer imbalances in its health, including Alzheimer’s. This will not change, even if the dog has always led a good lifestyle. That is why we know today the diseases of the elderly dog.

 The diseases of the elderly dog ​​can be very delicate

When the disease arrives, it is normal for the animal’s personality to be modified. There will be less resistance and will. The animal may begin to suffer from hearing or vision problems. It will also be normal for him to be somewhat listless, and not want to leave the house.

It is very important to know what are the diseases of the elderly dog. In this way, adequate preparation can be made available.

Main diseases of the elderly dog ​​and their treatments


It is the best known among the diseases of the elderly dog. It also manifests itself in people, and in other animals. The symptoms of arthritis will be the same in the dog as in the person. Joint and bone pain, discomfort when performing movements, among others.

If caught early, arthritis is treatable. Although it is a progressive disease, there are several ways to slow down its impact on the body. The veterinarian will be in charge of providing the correct treatment to combat arthritis. It is important to go to the professional at the first symptoms in the animal.

Kidney disease

Most older dogs suffer from kidney problems. It is a chronic disease. It usually begins to manifest itself through kidney failure. There are clear symptoms that warn about this type of disease. Loss of appetite and nausea are two of the main ones.

As in the case of arthritis, these diseases have no cure. Even so, it is controllable even in very old dogs. The veterinarian will give appropriate medications to reduce the discomfort caused by kidney diseases.


It is also one of the most common diseases of the elderly dog . Deafness is a very uncomfortable condition in our pets. For this reason, it will be necessary to develop the animal’s visual attention very well. In cases of deafness, you often begin to use your eyes more to communicate.


Along with deafness, blindness is another common condition in elderly dogs. We can differentiate two types of blindness. One is degenerative, which has no cure. The other is related to the falls. For the latter, it will be possible to consider surgical intervention.

It should be remembered that the sense of sight, although very important, is not the primary one in a dog. A blind dog will perfectly maintain the same lifestyle habits. The important thing will always be to preserve the sense of smell. This is the essential sense for dogs.

Cognitive dysfunction

Like people, the dog also suffers from cognitive dysfunction. This is very normal in the elderly. Among the symptoms of this disease, there is insomnia, disorientation, confusion, among others. In these cases, it is necessary to go to the vet. The professional will be able to prescribe appropriate medications to control the disease.


This fearsome disease is not exclusive to humans. Dogs also suffer from cancer. It originates from them due to two major factors. One is food, and the other is the great pollution of the environment. Do not forget that it is a silent disease. For its detection, a frequent visit to the veterinarian is essential.

As in the human case, cancer diagnosed early can be fought. It is a very delicate disease.


Dogs can also be highly obese. This aspect can manifest itself at any age, but it will be in old age when the greatest damage is caused. Treats and snacking are key factors also in animals. The elderly and obese dog will begin to experience joint pain. These symptoms may be announcing heart and kidney disease.

The correct diet of the animal is essential for its good health. Many of the diseases of the elderly dog ​​originate due to poor eating habits.

Knowing all these diseases of the elderly dog ​​makes it much easier to detect them. The body of the animal works almost the same as that of a very old person. And as with people, the attention and care of these pets must be maximum.

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