If You Care About Animals, Don’t Use Pyrotechnics

If you care about animals, don't use pyrotechnics

Gunpowder has been one of the most important inventions in the development of modern man. However, for animals it ends up being nothing short of torture. Therefore, during the festivities or events that you carry out, do not use pyrotechnics; your pets will thank you.

A very common scene, especially at Christmas, is to see animals running in terror or taking refuge in any quiet place to protect themselves from the strong explosions of gunpowder that occur.

However, there is a myth that some kind of pyrotechnics that is better than another, or at least if its use is authorized is less harmful to animals, but that is not true, the only way to make pyrotechnics less dangerous for our pets is not using it.

Why are animals afraid of fireworks?

frightened cat

Basically, it is because animals have much more developed senses than humans, especially those that are predators, because in a wild environment they would use their powerful hearing to locate their prey, even if they are underground.

Therefore, what for us is a bearable sound, for them it ends up being a deafening bang, disorienting and frightening them, especially when they do not understand the origin of the sound. Exposing an animal to fireworks can cause the following illnesses:

  • Tachycardia
  • Stray
  • Suffer accidents (either while fleeing or because they come into contact with the explosive)
  • Afraid
  • Loss of sphincter control
  • Sickness
  • Daze
  • Shortness of breath
  • Death

There is little you can do if an event in which pyrotechnics is used near your home is taking place, or at least if it is an activity in which its use is authorized. But if it’s in your hands, don’t use it.

How to help your pet cope with fireworks

If they are detonating gunpowder near your residence and you want to help your pet cope with the bad time, we recommend the following:

  • Stroke the animal to try to reassure it, your presence will be very helpful, as it will help it relax.
  • If you cannot be with your pet, it is best to keep it in a place in the house away from noise, the closed doors and windows will reduce the noise a bit. Of course, put a fan on it to prevent it from overheating, especially since animals tend to breathe badly when they are scared.
  • Turn on the TV or radio, this will muffle the noise coming from outside.
  • Leave toys within his reach, at the moment when he feels calmer he can use them to de-stress, having something to chew on can be very reassuring.
  • Put fresh water and food on him, he will consume them as soon as he feels better and the food will help him distract himself.

Always keep in mind that the best thing you can do in these cases is to offer your pet a safe space, so that it quickly identifies when it is scared to avoid you or reduce a bad moment.

When to intervene?

Autor: Harumi Yukawa
Author: Harumi Yukawa

Not all animals react in the same way to fireworks, so some will have a better time than others. However, you can detect their anxiety level in the following way:

  • He gasps and is visibly scared
  • Make quick movements at each detonation
  • Try to hide in any hole or corner

If so, follow the advice in the previous point. Remember that pyrotechnics cause many pets to get lost or suffer accidents, so the ideal thing is that you can protect them, and have a lot of patience, offer them water, caresses and a place where they feel comfortable and can take shelter.

They usually  only need a moment to get used to the situation, and although the fear will remain dormant for the duration of the episode, it will take it easier if you help him get through it.

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