Feline Hyperesthesia: What Is It And Why Does It Happen?

Feline hyperesthesia: what is it and why does it happen?

As we had discussed in a previous post, feline hyperesthesia is one of the most delicate diseases that a cat can suffer, not only because of how rare it is, but because although there are ways to treat it, none seems to be effective enough to eliminate this evil completely.

In the following article we will delve a little into what this disease is in itself, in addition to delving a little into the causes for which it occurs in some cats.

What is feline hyperesthesia?

feline hyperesthesia

Also known as nervous cat syndrome, this is a relatively abnormal condition suffered by some felines, who feel the horrible sensation that something or someone is on their back attacking them or penetrating their skin, so their natural reaction is to lick themselves. excessively and biting with great force.

During the disease, the meat of the pussy’s back undulates from its shoulder to the tail, a fact that although it can be noticed very easily in some cats, in others it is very difficult to detect, so you have to pay a lot of attention to be able to determine this syndrome as early as possible.

This disease generally affects cats of any breed and age, in addition to being characterized by being of short duration, being able to last several times a few minutes and even a few seconds, time in which a cat, far from behaving normally, will lick and it will bite so intensely that it can seriously injure itself.


This is the most delicate and mysterious point when talking about feline hyperesthesia, since oddly enough, it is a disease that does not seem to have an apparent cause, a fact that has represented a real headache not only for the owners and such pets, but also for veterinarians.

However, some specialists have indicated that this delicate syndrome could appear for some reasons, which, although they have not been proven, seem to give a small halo of light to the problem. These are the main ones.


As has been released, one of the theories that has been most sounded to be adjudicated as a cause of feline hyperesthesia is that some breeds could be predisposed to suffer this syndrome as a result of a lot of stress, which can occur for the following reasons:

  • Inconsistent contact by owner
  • Lack of space to carry out their normal life
  • Loud or strange noises

Likewise, it is ensured that eastern feline breeds seem to suffer from this disease much more than others, stress being the presumed main trigger.


Other specialists who have deeply investigated the subject have pointed out that seizures generated by epilepsy could also be the true cause of this condition.

This is because feline hyperesthesia could be triggered by problems with electrical activities that occur in the brain, especially in areas that are responsible for controlling predatory behavior, grooming, and emotions.

What seems to validate this theory the most is that it has been determined that some cats that suffer from this syndrome tend to have seizures during or after the attack.

Skin problems

cat licks

Another possible cause of this condition could be various skin problems, which can be generated by the bite of fleas, in the event that the feline is extremely allergic to them, since this can generate a very strong itch. long-term, which could cause or even make a case of hyperesthesia worse.

This itching can also occur if the feline suffers some type of bacterial infection, abnormal hormonal balance or a serious feeding problem, which will cause its skin to become dry and cause it to scratch intensely.

As you may have realized, feline hyperesthesia is a disease that you should take care of your cat to prevent it from suffering from it.

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