Can You Talk To Monkeys?

Primates do not enjoy human speech, although they can communicate with people through sign language; Furthermore, through different experiments it has been observed that they understand and associate words with things
Can you talk to monkeys?

Can you talk to monkeys? This is one of the most frequent questions asked by many people related to primates. Although it is impossible to speak Spanish or English with any other primate other than humans, the truth is that we can communicate in surprising ways with other primates.

Primates use gestures naturally

In fact, recently a team of scientists has found that chimpanzees and bonobos use gestures naturally to communicate, and these are very similar. Some have even hypothesized that a chimpanzee could communicate with a bonobo in a gestural way.

Of course, what it does seem to indicate is that their common ancestors used similar gestures. Some gestures even have similarities to those we use in the human species, which is surprising and is one of the first indications that talking with monkeys and other primates is not at all absurd.

Sign language, a way of talking to monkeys

From the 70s  there were still many enigmas regarding the origin of human intelligence and language. We already knew that we did not come from the monkey, and that the human being was not the only one to use tools.

The first studies carried out were based on co-parenting with human babies, to see if they could learn human language. Although it was revealed that they could understand many words, and even imitate some, many dismissed the use of language in these primates.

Smart chimpanzee

Shortly after, the reality currently in force arose: that they could not speak did not mean that they could not communicate; This is how  various investigations were born in which these primates were taught the American sign language.

The Washoe Chimpanzee Case

One of the best known studies was Washoe; the psychologists Beatrix and Allen Gardner carried out all their communication with this young chimpanzee for years through sign language. Although there are other cases like Nim’s, Washoe is probably the primate that most revolutionized language through the experiments of these psychologists.

Washoe learned about 150 words and communicated with her caregivers perfectly ; He even made these gestures while sleeping, indicating that other primates also have dreams that produce conflicting sensations.

Washoe learned to apologize and to express feelings like joy or sadness. Later, he was able to invent new words to refer to objects or even teach this language to another chimpanzee and have conversations with it.

Monkeys: Sign Language

Koko and Chantek, other talking apes

A similar experiment was carried out with the gorilla Koko, who after three decades has learned more than 1,500 words. The big difference is that chimpanzees become very aggressive in adolescence, making this experiment one of the longest ever conducted.

As in other cases, he understands spoken English and responds in sign language. He is also able to recognize himself in a mirror and express his emotions.

Chantek is another of the best known cases. This orangutan was also raised as a child and was a great inventor of words ; he was creating complex words such as “red bird” or calling the glasses “drinking eye”.

Lexigrams, another way of talking with monkeys

Studies have been carried out with tools other than sign language. Chimp Lana’s use of lexigrams was amazing, and she managed to make grammar sequences and invent new words.

Talking primates

In the 1980s he started a project with Kanzi, a bonobo who learned the use of lexigrams from his mother. Kanzi is good at creating words, tools, or even carvings and drumming, and he also has math skills.

The Ethics of Monkey Talking Experiments

The truth is that although these experiments have allowed us to discover very interesting things, it is worth wondering if these kinds of projects should be carried out. The idea of ​​having a monkey as a pet is very harmful to them, as is raising one of these animals to teach them a strange language.

Especially chimpanzees can become aggressive, so many of the experiments cited ended six years, age at which a chimpanzee enters adolescence and becomes dangerous.

An example is the case of Nim, a Washoe-like chimpanzee who ended his days sold for invasive animal experimentation, and ended up dying at the age of 26 from a heart attack. Some of these animals, who trusted us, have taken the worst of the human being, as well as those that were pets.

Others, like Koko, remain with all the comforts of human life while astonishing the world, but had they known another life perhaps they would rather be with their kind. An undoubtedly controversial issue, whose protagonists have revolutionized science at a high cost.

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