Importance Of Your Dog Learning To Socialize

Socialization is key to avoid violent episodes with other copies, nervousness, fear, phobias or negative behaviors
Importance of your dog learning to socialize

Dogs are descended from wolves and, although they have evolved a lot, they still maintain many of their habits, including that of living in packs. It is very important then that a dog learns to socialize with others of its kind: this will allow it to live better and even be more obedient.

Why is it important for a dog to learn to socialize?

Being in contact with others is essential for life, especially in mammals. In the case of dogs, interacting with their peers allows them to learn new things, develop empathy and even be more balanced.

This process – which begins from the moment it is born with its siblings and mother – has to be maintained throughout life, but it is very important that the dog learns to socialize from a puppy. In this way, they will get along well with other animals and behavioral problems, such as attacks on public roads, will be avoided.

If the socialization is adequate, the animal will not consider other dogs to be a danger or a threat and, therefore, will not want to bite or growl at them. This does not mean that it will become a totally peaceful animal, but it does mean that it will not seek a fight for no reason.

And not only that, since, in addition, a properly socialized dog that lives in a city will not worry about other things that surround it, such as traffic, the passage of many people around it, etc.

Dogs and socialization

Socialization is key in the education of the animal, since it largely reduces some disorders such as phobias, fears, nervousness or bad behaviors. These aggressive or negative behaviors prevent the dog from following orders, but also from being accepted by other animals or people.

Basically, if you do not socialize your dog, in the future you will have a pet that tries to bite for no apparent reason, that will become a problem when you have visitors at home or that cannot be taken to a park where there are other animals.

How to get the dog to learn to socialize?

The critical stage for socialization begins when the animal is born and up to the fourth month of life. If he comes home at about 45 days, after stopping feeding from his mother, you still have several weeks to put various methods into practice.

How to get a dog to socialize

As soon as the dog is separated from his biological family is when the owner must socialize him. It is true that at first veterinarians say that you should not go outside for a health issue, but once you have the permission of the professional, do not miss a single day. Some recommendations:

1. Let him know that you are the boss

2. Let him feel safe by your side

3. Organize small meetings with dogs and cats

4. Take him to see other places (the park, the beach …)

5. Encourage positive experiences (for example, do not ‘cross’ with an aggressive dog that could be traumatic)

6. Get to know him very well and pay attention to his body language

7. Give him good energy, humor and happiness (dogs can identify emotions)

8. Seek help from a trainer if you don’t see results

How to make the dog learn to socialize if he is an adult?

If you have not done it when the animal was small, or you have adopted it when it was grown up, do not think that it is impossible to socialize it. It may take longer, but many positive changes can be made for the animal.

A good idea to start with is to ‘introduce’ you to other dogs who are personable and welcome strangers. If your pet is fearful, barks or hides behind you, respect their emotions and try a new approach another day. Whenever you take him to the park, do it on a leash and do not leave him alone.

It is very important that a dog learns to socialize from the first moment he comes home, or when we realize that he has aggressive or fearful behaviors. It’s for the good of your pet!

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