Why Restrict Tea Tree Oil In Pets

Using natural medicine on you and your pet is always a very healthy option. Still, it is necessary to know how the plant works and then apply it. Let’s see what happens to tea tree oil in pets.
Why Restrict Tea Tree Oil in Pets

All of us who like the use of natural medicine do not lack tea tree oil in our natural pharmacy. But, as with all medicinal plants, it is necessary to know its use perfectly so that its medicinal property works correctly.

Tea tree oil is widely known for its main natural property as an antifungal, although its property as a parasite repeller is also known due to its intense aroma. Due to these qualities and because it is a natural remedy, it would seem like a panacea for use on pets.

But you have to be careful: although in humans it is used in its full concentration, the concentration must be restricted in the use of tea tree oil in pets.

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree . These trees are found in subtropical climates, mainly in Australia, although they also grow in Spain, Portugal and some southern regions of the United States.

Humans use this oil to treat skin problems such as stings, bites, burns and even vapors for respiratory problems. It is also an excellent antimicrobial in fungal infections and is popularly used as an ingredient in lotions and even in toothpaste.

It looks like a very complete plant, but let’s know how to use it on pets.

Canine plant poisoning

Restrictions on the use of tea tree oil in pets

When we use natural medicine remedies we can make the preparations directly with the plants collected by ourselves.

In other cases, it may be more complex to be able to collect the plants or obtain the essential oil. This is the case of tea tree oil, since not everyone has a still to extract its oil, not to mention the large number of leaves that have to be collected to obtain a good amount of oil.

In these cases, the most logical thing is to go directly to the herbalist to get the oil. Generally, these preparations come at a 100% oil concentration. The human being applies it directly to the skin, or a few drops in water in the case of vapors.

The use of tea tree oil in pets should be at a lower concentration. In fact, it is recommended that this concentration is between 0.1 – 1.00%.

To prepare tea tree oil for your pet at a concentration of 1%, one part of the oil must be mixed with 99 parts of water. That is, one milliliter of tea tree oil in 99 milliliters of water.

Problems derived from the use in high concentrations of tea tree oil in pets

In pets, tea tree oil should never be administered orally. It will always be used topically and in the indicated concentration.

Some of the problems derived from the use of this oil in high concentrations in pets are:

  • Rashes.
  • Depression.
  • Soft spot.
  • Vomiting and / or seizures
  • Collapse and liver damage.
  • Muscle weakness and even muscle tremors.
  • Increased salivation
  • Severe decrease in body temperature.
  • Diarrhea if the oil is ingested.
  • Possible pneumonia if oil is inhaled.

As can be seen, there are several problems that are caused to the pet using tea tree oil in the same way that it is applied to the body.

Tea tree oil and branches.

Tea tree uses in pets

As long as the concentration is respected, the use of this oil usually has positive effects on pets.

The main uses in animals are as an antiseptic, fungicide, bactericide, healing, anti-inflammatory and deodorant.

Against external parasites

Effective use to scare away fleas and ticks, and even fungus. In the case of fleas and ticks it has a very fast effect, but in the case of fungi the application should be periodic.

It will be enough to make a preparation at the concentration indicated above in a sprayer. It is necessary to gently shake the mixture before use, so that the water and oil are perfectly mixed.

For skin conditions

Whenever an inflamed or irritated area is found on the pet’s skin, this oil can also be used. But it is necessary to remember that it should never be used on an open wound, its effect would be too irritating and the problem would worsen.

Bathroom accessory

The aroma of tea tree oil is intense and pleasant. Each animal has its own body odor, which sometimes does not please a human. Although pets like their own smell as part of their personality, this oil can be used in the bathroom as a deodorant.

As we have seen in these lines, natural medicine is usually a good option in the health of the pet, but you should always consult first how to use each remedy. Talking to a vet before using home remedies is always a good idea.

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