Discover How Marina Remodeled Her Truck To Travel With Her Dog

Discover how Marina remodeled her truck to travel with her dog

If you like pets, surely you plan to include them in your vacation plans or traveling the world. However, despite the fact that there have been many advances in this regard, you can still find some qualms about moving or staying with your furry animals, especially if they are large animals. That is why today we tell you how a young woman remodeled a truck to be able to travel with her dog.

In this way Marina managed to travel with her dog Odie without problems.

Source: Instagram pamthevan91

Marina Piro is a twenty-something of Italian origin but who has lived in the United Kingdom for a long time. Like many members of his generation, rather than shutting himself up, he decided to dedicate himself to traveling in an office. But always on the condition that her dear Odie accompany her.

The point is that Odie is a big dog, resulting from the mix between a Labrador and a French Poodle. And the girl did not want to have problems when it came to having to travel by any means of public transport. Nor to find accommodation for her and her pet in the different destinations to visit.

That is why he measured advantages and disadvantages of the different options that he could choose to start his tour. And he decided to buy a van and remodel it so that, in addition to being able to travel with his dog, it would provide him with a place to sleep and cook.

Find out how the van was equipped for the trip

But Marina not only took it upon herself to remodel the truck with her own hands, she also decided to tell how she did it to everyone who wanted to have a similar experience.

And he clarifies in advance that he had no prior knowledge of carpentry, electricity, plumbing or mechanics. So he was learning everything as he went. As you can see, there is nothing impossible if the desire (and the resources) exist.

To convey his experience, he created the pamthevan page, where he explains step by step how he transformed a 2001 Renault Kangoo 5-door pickup to be able to travel with his dog.

What information does the Marina page provide you?

On her website, Marina gives all kinds of details so that you know how to remodel a truck and make it suitable for, in addition to moving, living in it with your pets. For instance:

  • Insulation, to avoid condensation due to changes in temperature and when cooking
  • Laying the floor, in this case vinyl
  • The electrical installation, LED lights included
  • Kitchen and bed construction

But neither does Piro deprive himself of giving you details about the most convenient materials to use, the maintenance of the vehicle or about the curtains and other decorative elements.

Other information that you will obtain through this girl who travels with her dog

But the page of this Italian girl contains much more information for those who want to travel with their dog by van. Among other things, it tells you about:

  • The necessary documentation and requirements to move with pets through different countries
  • Different options to take a shower and stay clean
  • Issues to consider, for and against, when traveling with pets

Marina and Odie in pictures across Europe

Source: Instagram pamthevan91

But if in addition to knowing how to condition a van, you are interested in knowing where Marina and Odie are traveling, there is an Instagram account where you can see them more than happy traveling through beautiful cities and landscapes of, so far, France and Italy.

As an additional piece of information, you may have noticed that Marina does not have a YouTube channel to relate her adventures or tell how she remodeled her truck. The main reason is that she says she is not comfortable speaking to a camera.

However, there is already a filmmaker who has decided to document his adventures in Europe with his dog Odie. So we will surely have more news about these nice and particular travelers soon.

Source of the photos: Instagram account pamthevan91

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