Sulfur And Dogs, A Remedy Or A Danger?

Sulfur and dogs, a remedy or a danger?

It is possible that when you were walking down the street you have seen a yellow powder in many corners. Well, it is sulfur, a “home remedy” for which many believe that dogs will not urinate in the corners. However, in recent months the question has been raised: sulfur and dogs, does it really work? Let’s see.

We know that finding the corner of the house urinated by dogs is not to anyone’s liking. For this reason, different remedies have been tried to avoid them. The unsuccessful attempt to stop this act of dogs by placing bottles of water or other things in the corners, has led many to use stronger products. However, you have to know that sulfur and dogs are not compatible.

Sulfur and dogs, does it really work?

Many believed that this mix could work. However, recent studies have shown that beyond achieving the goal, it achieves something worse, harming animals.

We must not forget that sulfur is toxic. Just by smelling it, our animals can become intoxicated. In fact, this matter has become so serious that the National Police have sent a message demanding that this substance stop being used in the fight against dog urine.

Walking dogs

Not only that, the Police also ask that any citizen who is on the street and sees the substance, report the precise place for the police force to intervene. The aim is to preserve the health of the animals.

It hurts us

In addition to this damage that animals can suffer, the Police Force warns that this substance makes the streets dirty. What’s more, it makes us breathe its toxicity and puts us at risk of contracting conjunctivitis. And not only that, but also that we are short of breath or even that asthma develops in our body.

In addition, it is a highly flammable substance that could favor fires. Do not forget that it is capable of exploding when in contact with air or oxidizable elements. Therefore, this substance is a danger for our pets and also for us. In fact, the police claim that there is no hard evidence that the mix “sulfur and dogs” actually works, but rather that it is an ingrained popular belief.

In addition, the matter has become so serious that in cities such as Valencia, Oviedo, Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Malaga, it is already strictly forbidden to use sulfur on the streets. Anyone who does so will be fined, imposing penalties of up to 750 euros.

Alternative home remedies to sulfur and dogs

Given that sulfur and dogs do not work together, since what tries to be a remedy ends up being a danger, we must look for alternatives to prevent dogs from urinating on doors, corners or streets.

We offer you a list of homemade repellants that work. In fact, they will not harm you or your pet, or any other dog that passes through the street:

  • Lemon. The acidity of this repels dogs. Although for us the smell of lemon is very pleasant, for dogs it is strong and makes them run the other way. You will only have to prepare a juice with two or three lemons and spray it on the place where the furry ones normally urinate.
  • White alcohol. Alcohol has a strong odor that dogs don’t like either. However, so that it is not very aggressive to your nose, mix it with water. Make a mixture of one part alcohol and two parts water and spray on the area. Vinegar and ammonia will do the same.
  • Cayenne pepper. Its strong smell and its spicy effect will make the animal want to flee to the other side. Just put it in powder next to the doors or the place where the dogs have a habit of… You know.

As you can see, with natural options you can achieve a lot. These remedies not only work, but they will also not harm animals. Of course, neither you or your family. Sulfur and dogs are not a good combination no matter where you look at it.

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