Dogs Have Internet Via Wifi And They Say What They Think

Dogs have internet via wifi and they say what they think

In the modern era of technologies and the Internet through Wi-Fi, not only people and things, but also dogs and pets in general can enjoy these advances.

A necklace with internet via wifi

When our pet needs to go for a walk, is hungry, hot, or any other sensation or need, an alarm on a mobile device will announce to the owners what is happening.


These are sensors that collect data and send it to the phone. In this way, pet owners have more tools to read the thoughts of our favorite animals.

This set of technologies, which is being called theinternet of things ”, is being a true revolution in the relationship between people and pets.

This boom in technologies called “wearables”, implanted in a garment or accessory, is generating many different utilities. This necklace is widely used.

Read pets thinking with internet via wifi

With these advances you can already know if your dog has had a boring day. Also if the cat has eaten too much feed and is at risk of suffering from a disease.

Other utilities can be seen in the case of a farm, where the specific moment when a cow is going to give birth can be predicted.

It is about advancing in these technologies, to lower costs and facilitate processes.

How does Internet work over wifi in dogs?

These types of devices are based on objective data, such as the animal’s temperature. Also compared to the outside temperature, it can be decisive in preventing heat stroke, which is increasingly common among dogs.

The differences between people and dogs are obvious. Despite this, the researchers say there are similarities between dogs and humans in terms of the structure and function of a key area of ​​the brain. It is the caudate nucleus.

Rich in dopamine receptors, the caudate is located between the brain stem and the cortex. That area anticipates things that we are going to like, such as food, love or money.

Although society is reluctant to consider dogs as if they were humans, scientific advances increasingly see more details that are the same.

Dogs have traditionally been considered property. These analyzes lead us to think about the limitations and behaviors we have with them.

However, dogs seem to have emotions and sensations similar to ours. For this reason, we must conclude that the treatment we give them cannot be as if they were a household appliance.

Canine intelligence

The intelligence of dogs is under permanent study. Researchers around the world are trying to decipher the canine’s mind.

Recently, scientists at Emory University in the United States have managed to scan the dog’s brain while it is awake.

They have obtained images of the head of the non-sedated dog, thanks to the MRI.

In this way they are finding out how man’s best friend thinks. It is said that dogs are not all the same. They are different and each solves similar problems in a different way.

Internet applications via wifi for dogs

In addition to what we have seen, the future of technology has many applications. As an example, feed manufacturers will be able to gift these devices to consumers.

In this way , information will be obtained on the reactions of dogs to some foods and stimuli.

As an example, a well-known brand of pet food designed a kind of sweater a few months ago. This garment can detect, with the use of sensors, the movement of the dog’s tail to interpret whether the animal is happy or not.



Despite these advances, pet control is not new. It has its precedent in the microchips that have been implanted since the 90s in the nape of dogs and cats.

With these devices, pets are identified as if it were a DNI.

One of the problems with new technologies is that the electronics they use are not cheap. It is to be expected that in the coming years the production of these devices will become cheaper.

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