What Are The Benefits Of The Sun For Pets?

The sun is essential for the body to function properly. For this reason, pets also need to be exposed to sunlight for short periods.
What are the benefits of the sun for pets?

The benefits of the sun for pets are varied and very necessary at the same time. However, not everyone knows what the effects of sunlight on animals are. 

Therefore, we ask you the following questions: what do you think are the benefits of the sun for pets? Could you mention any? In the event that you don’t know what to answer, don’t worry. Here we present the various benefits of the sun for pets.

The different benefits of the sun for pets

The sun is essential for certain processes to take place in the body. As for the benefits of the sun in pets, the following can be mentioned, collected on the basis of research articles.

Corporal temperature regulation

During the cold months, homeothermic animals look for different sources of heat. This physiological mechanism explains why pets are exposed to the sun when temperatures drop, since this star is a natural heat source.

However, it is also true that some breeds are more vulnerable to cold than others. A clear example of this variety are short-haired breeds, as well as small ones, such as Chihuahuas.

So one way to help them warm up in winter is to keep an eye on their rest area. This boils down to two simple tasks: checking that there are no cold drafts and that the ambient temperature is good.

Another popular option is to wear clothes for dogs or other types of pets. You can find a wide variety of garments, shapes and fabrics on the market, each and every one of them suitable for each breed.

A dog sunbathes in the field.

Strengthening the immune system

Solar radiation, in adequate doses, is also essential for proper hormonal function. Without this natural source, the body will not be able to perform its daily functions properly.

For example, sunlight has been found to be necessary for the secretion of melatonin. This is the sleep hormone, which allows the animal to rest well and activates its immune system.

Sunshine in pets improves their mood

As we have seen, the benefits of the sun for pets are very varied. But just in case there were any doubts, studies have shown that sunlight also favors the mood of animals.

This is because exposure to the sun secretes the hormone of happiness. This hormone, called serotonin, maintains a healthy pet’s mood – just as it does in humans.

Combat rickets and joint pain

First of all, rickets is a pathology that causes the animal’s bones to deform. Normally, it occurs in puppies and is easily observable in their body position.

This pathology derives from a deficit of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the body. The lack of these elements leads to bone problems for the puppy, with symptoms such as:

  • Stunted growth.
  • Long and turned bones.
  • Thick joints.
  • Dental disorders
  • Deformed spine.

Additionally, rickets is more common in large breed puppies – such as German Shepherds or Bulldogs – so exposing these varieties to the sun is even more important.

On the other hand, it has also been observed that sunlight reduces the discomfort of elderly dogs. From a certain age, they tend to suffer from rheumatic diseases, which are very painful. However, when these geriatric-aged animals sunbathe, their symptoms have been observed to ease.

Generates vitamin D

Therefore, to avoid rickets, the puppy must have adequate amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. For this, the simplest and most natural way for a pet to obtain vitamin D is the sun.

When the animal basks in the sun, a cascade of chemical reactions takes place in the body. Thanks to this cascade, the body synthesizes the active form of vitamin D.

In this way, this vitamin can regulate, for example, those processes of the organism mediated by calcium. However, in some cases, the animal is not able to synthesize this vitamin.

For this reason, the veterinarian may recommend the administration of its synthetic formula, cholecalciferol. It can also be ingested through foods that contain it, such as dry foods.

But to all this … what is the importance of vitamin D? Why is it so necessary? Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients in the diet of dogs, especially for its functions:

  • Helps regulate internal balance.
  • It retains calcium and phosphorus.

A dog sunbathing at home

Although the benefits of the sun for pets are numerous, it is also necessary to protect them properly. To do this, do not forget to administer sunscreen, especially in the most dangerous hours.

You also have to make sure that pets are properly hydrated. Thus, they are prevented from suffering from heat stroke and both we and they will enjoy the benefits of the sun.

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