Alaskan Malamute: Origin And Characteristics

With a very close kinship to wolves, the Alaskan Malamute is a very ancient breed that was used to pull sledges thanks to its power and strength
Alaskan malamute: origin and characteristics

His big, serious dog-like appearance does not match his sweet and playful nature at all. We invite you to discover all the secrets of one of the oldest dog breeds in the world: the Alaskan Malamute.

The Alaskan malamute: history

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds in existence. It is so old that we do not have written records of when it first appeared, although DNA analysis assures that it is very closely related to wolves: it stopped evolving soon.

These dogs first arose, as their name suggests, in an Inuit tribe: that is, they arose in the frozen regions of North America. They took advantage of the strength and power that these dogs have to help them pull the sleds to move through the ice and snow.

At the end of the 19th century there was a great descent of the Alaskan malamute in their land of origin, but they became popular in the rest of the world: in addition to being beautiful dogs, they have a funny and sweet character that conquered homes and families in a very few years .

The Alaskan malamute: characteristics

At first glance, the Alaskan Malamute is a large and powerful dog. The breed standard does not consider size important, although these dogs measure between 58 and 63 centimeters at the withers. Regarding the weight, the usual thing for this size is that the scale marks between 34 and 38 kilograms. Both males and females tend to have the same weight and height.

Alaskan malamute: character

He has a deep chest and a muscular body. Its long hair helps to make it look like a large dog, as it is especially bulky around the neck and tail. His head and ears are pricked, so that he appears to be always alert.

The head is broad and they have a long, triangular snout. The truffle can have several colors, except red. Their eyes express curiosity and alertness, and they are medium in size and always brown in color: blue eyes are not allowed in malamutes; They are typical of Siberian huskies, which are a different breed.

The ears are medium and triangular in size, and they are always erect on top of the head. The tail has longer and thicker hair than the rest of the body, and it is worn on the back when at rest: however, it cannot be considered a curly tail nor should it be supported on the back.

As for colors, this breed can appear in many different colors. The most common are the combination of black and white or white and gray, as well as brown or red. Only solid color is accepted when it is white: the rest must be mixed.

The Alaskan malamute: behavior

The character of the Alaskan malamute is characterized by contrasts: on the one hand it is affectionate and friendly, while on the other it is independent and stubborn. You may find it difficult to obey orders that do not interest you, but that you are able to befriend even strangers.

Alaskan malamute: origin

This breed of dog is trusting with humans, loves being the center of attention and being caressed and caressed. It is not a guard dog at all: it is not territorial with your home, although it will protect your family from intruders or people you distrust.

However, due to his ancient origin, he is independent and stubborn. As he is also an intelligent dog, you have to earn his affection and loyalty. Otherwise, it is a difficult dog to train that is capable of making its own decisions and learning on its own.

For this reason, a positive education is tremendously effective and fast with dogs of this breed: it seeks the collaboration of the animal instead of confrontation or submission. A good positive educator will soon win the loyalty and affection of this dog, who can quickly and easily learn to behave as expected of him.

Despite its physical power, the Alaskan Malamute does not need to do a lot of physical exercise: instead, mental exercise should not be neglected. A dog with its intelligence and curiosity, if bored, will look for ways to entertain itself or learn new skills: it will probably end up being destructive or leading to what we understand as bad behavior.

Alaskan malamute: characteristics and care

Their energy, their looks, and their character can cause conflict in dog parks. Many other dogs can misinterpret Alaskan Malamute language, in the same way that your Alaskan Malamute will not tolerate the heavier or more cramped dogs in the park. However, they tend to be dogs with good social skills and who make friends easily.

The Alaskan malamute: care

Most of the Alaskan malamute’s care is in its hair: it has a long and dense coat that requires daily brushing to be able to get rid of fallen hair and prevent skin problems. However, as this dog has a double coat, it is contraindicated that its hair be cut, especially in hot or cold seasons.

This breed of dog is energetic, but it doesn’t need extreme exercise or sled pulling to be happy – its three quality walks a day should be enough. They do not usually live comfortably in cities or small flats, although they cannot live enclosed in gardens either: it will not take long to find a way to escape to browse outside.

Despite the fact that it is a breed that does not carry genetic diseases, visits to the veterinarian should not be neglected, since they are the only way in which diseases can be prevented and guarantee that it lives healthy for many years.

The Alaskan Malamute, despite its serious demeanor and physical power, is an affectionate and affectionate dog. It is a dog for the whole family, since it is playful and tolerant with the people around it. Do not forget to brush him daily and give him quality walks so that he will be happy throughout his life.

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