7 Advantages Of Living With An Elderly Dog ​​

When we have a pet we know that we are taking responsibility for it as long as it lives. And that, as is natural law, we will go through the different stages enjoying the best that each moment has in store for us. But we must not forget that we, although at different rates, also age and that domestic animals also accompany us in this process. Today we tell you the advantages of living with an elderly dog.

Older dogs deserve a second chance

If you are one of those who loves living with pets, surely you would not hesitate for a moment to adopt an elderly dog. However, many people choose to choose a puppy for various reasons, with varying degrees of reason.

Let us agree that a family with small children is logical to favor a young dog that can keep up with the children. However, in homes where only one individual lives – or all the inhabitants are adults – the option of adopting a senior furry should not be ruled out, especially if we take into account that, according to a study by the Affinity Foundation, 2 out of 10 dogs abandoned in Spain are 7 years old or more.

Among the causes why an elderly dog ​​ends up living on the street or in a shelter, are the death or illness of its owners or directly the abandonment of its owners, who no longer want to take care of an aging animal. So think about it and, if you can, give an adult or older four-legged friend a second chance.

Good reasons to adopt a furry old man

The arrival of an adult or older dog to your home will bring different experiences but as enriching as those that a puppy or a young animal can provide. That is why you should focus on quality and not on the amount of time you will spend with the furry.

In addition, if your life is adding years to you, surely you will appreciate sharing your days with someone who moves at a slower pace and takes things more calmly.

To continue convincing you, we detail some benefits of living with an elderly animal. Cheer up. You will surely not regret it.

Advantages of sharing your home with an elderly dog

  1. A senior dog is already educated. You will not have to go through long and patient training sessions and, in addition, he will more easily incorporate the new that you want to teach him.
  2. He will adapt more quickly to his new home, because he is already used to living with humans and other domestic animals.
  3. He will show you all his love and appreciation for the new opportunity that you are giving him. Do not doubt that it will be a great company.
  4. Its character will not change, as it could happen with that of a puppy; there will be no surprises about it.
  5. It has already reached its final size. You won’t have to worry about how much more it can grow.
  6. If you don’t like exercise too much, you will be in luck. An elderly dog ​​does not require as much physical activity.
  7. Know human rhythms. Most likely, it won’t wake you up in the middle of the night, as a young, inexperienced specimen might.

Give an elderly animal a new home

So, if you are thinking of adopting a companion animal, do not exclude from your options that of giving an older animal a second chance. In the shelters they will know how to advise you well on their personality and on the care they require, so that you do not encounter unexpected situations after their adoption.

What there is no doubt about is that you will live an enriching experience and you will receive lots of love by adopting a four-legged friend who is aging. And when the moment of his departure comes, as is natural law, he will leave you the best of memories.

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