6 Solutions For Anxiety In Dogs When They Are Left Alone

6 solutions for dog anxiety when left alone

Separation anxiety is a condition that occurs in animals when they feel that they are left alone. That distress translates into destructive behavior and excessive vocalization. Many dogs with this type of behavior, when left alone, also tend to refuse to eat or drink, salivate excessively and will do everything possible to try to escape from their confinement, thus causing damage to their environment and themselves.

It is natural for dogs, especially puppies, to experience anxiety when separated from their owners.  It is a survival mechanism that they use to adapt to their new environment.

It is a fact that there are a significant number of dogs that suffer from some degree of separation distress. Fortunately, many pet owners are willing to seek solutions to avoid behavior problems. Do you want to know them?

How not to confuse anxiety with other disorders?

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Before employing any type of solution, it is important to determine why a dog is misbehaving. The destructive behavior of a dog can be the result of the anxiety that the pet feels, when the separation of its owner takes place. But it could also be a normal behavior because the animal, perhaps, has an excess of accumulated energy. Separation anxiety may be the cause of excessive barking, but these sounds can also come from fear, aggression, or a need for play.

Destruction-related separation generally relates to satisfying dogs’ need to chew or scratch. If the destruction is more widespread, that is, destructive events occur throughout the house, then perhaps one of the possible causes is separation anxiety. But before determining this diagnosis, it is best to gather detailed information about the animal’s compartment. In that sense, perhaps a video camera or a sound recorder can give several clues about the causes that originate these habits.

Some solutions to anxiety in dogs

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Before leaving home, exercise your dog very well. A tired pet has less energy to be anxious and destructive. Therefore, exercise sessions of between 20 to 30 minutes, can be of great help to improve the behavior of your friend, when he notices that you are not at home.

When you go out or return to your house, do not stimulate your dog with some words or gestures. It is very likely that when you return he will get excited, jump and bark. If you notice this behavior, turn your back on your dog and walk away. Once he has calmed down, say hello and welcome him very calmly.

It is important that you deactivate any type of signal that tells your dog that you are going out. To achieve this, you must deactivate the pieces that make up part of your routine. For example, pick up your car keys but instead of heading for the door, sit on the couch and turn on the television. The idea is to make your routine unpredictable.

When the separation of your pet occurs, do not forget to use some key words such as “I’ll be back”, this helps your dog to relax, stay a little more calm and not do any kind of damage.

Explore alternative solutions. Perhaps you can choose to leave your pet in a nursery or, failing that, find a neighbor or relative to stay with her during your absence.

Another possibility, so that your dog does not feel alone, is to adopt another animal. If you decide on this option, choose a pet that is compatible with your little friend. But before making that decision, keep in mind that they require a lot of care. Therefore, make sure that you can give them the attention they need.

Eliminate all stressors that may affect your dog during your absence. Avoid chains, physical punishment, or yelling. Do not leave items or objects within reach that could cause physical harm to your pet. If you use negative reinforcement, you will cause him great distress. Therefore, to avoid it, it is always better to use other types of methods.

Finally, if you notice that your dog’s behavior has not changed, it is best to turn to a specialist.

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