5 Quiet Dog Breeds

If you want to adopt a dog with a calm character, there are a few and very interesting breeds of quiet dogs for you to live with any of them.
5 quiet dog breeds

Having a dog does not mean having to run all day to keep it active, nor does it mean having a headache because it won’t stop barking. Yes, there are very restless dogs and others very calm. And while it doesn’t always have to do with breed, there are some naturally quiet dog breeds. If you are looking for such a dog, in this article we will talk about some of them.

One of the things that can be most annoying about dogs is that they bark a lot. Barking is a dog’s way of communicating with the world, for all breeds, but some breeds tend to be quieter than others.

Why do the dogs bark

Certain breeds are naturally calmer, while others naturally bark more. There are also environmental factors that contribute to barking. Dogs may bark at animals they see outside, while others bark out of boredom, for attention, or out of separation anxiety.

In reality, all dogs, including calmer breeds, need the right amount of mental stimulation, physical activity, and human interaction to keep them happy and not barking unnecessarily. This is important to keep in mind.

Individual temperament also tends to influence whether dogs bark excessively. Some dogs are content with observing their surroundings and with small interactions with their owners when they have free time, without feeling the need to bark a lot. But others need to always be the center of attention and they bark to stand out.

With this in mind, and that each breed has its individual variations, we are going to look at some of the calmer dog breeds.

Quiet dog breeds

As much as all dogs can be taught not to make noise, there are quite a few dog breeds with innate and silent behavior. These dogs require little or no attention to keep quiet. Keep in mind that each dog may give a protest bark from time to time.

Although there are many breeds of naturally calm dogs, in this article we are going to highlight just a few.


One of the calmest breeds of dog out there is the pug. In fact, pugs are known to be sociable and gentle companion dogs. The American Kennel Club describes the breed’s personality as temperamental and charming.

Overweight dogs

Pugs are a known breed for many reasons. They are dogs that love food and naps, and also a breed that does not know violence. A pug will bark only when it feels in extreme danger or is very hungry. Also, their playful bark is often replaced by heavy breathing due to their burly build.

Great dane

Regardless of its large size, the Great Dane is considered one of the calmest dog breeds out there. These dogs have no need to demonstrate their dominance to anyone due to their imposing height and heavy weight. In addition, they are part of one of the most intelligent races.

Great Dane Dog

His very appearance makes the situation pretty clear to anyone pretending to pose a threat. All a Great Dane has to do is take a quick look. Their loud and loud barking is rarely heard in this calm and loving dog.

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is one of the most lovable and popular breeds in the world. Despite being huge, these dogs are very gentle and calm. The Saint Bernard is always looking for new friends and adventures, and is one of the friendliest dogs out there.

Saint Bernard dog: care

The Saint Bernard is a very sociable and educated breed, as it gets along well with the whole family and is particularly friendly with children. These dogs are imposing, but not threatening, and maintain a distant dignity with strangers. While their size may not be ideal for a flat or apartment environment, they are some of the calmest dog breeds on the planet.

Shar pei

The Shar Pei is a popular companion. This breed was used in ancient China for protection and alertness. However, even being a breed used to safeguard owners and their homes, they never bark for no reason.

Shar pei dog

The Shar Pei is extremely devoted to his family, but distant with people he does not know. It is a calm and confident dog that seems to develop an intuitive understanding of its owner or family. The Shar Pei is also independent and has a strong will, which protects its family.


The collie, in addition to being one of the calmest dog breeds, is also one of the most intelligent. These dogs are perfect as silent companions. On the other hand, although Collies are full of energy and often need places to run and play, they are extremely well mannered and trainable, which means that they are very obedient.

Collie: Seamus from Pinkfloyd

The well-behaved collie is sweet, kind, and gentle. This is a family dog ​​and he likes to be a part of all household activities. Especially fond of children, he likes to play with them and take care of them in a protective way.

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